It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.

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Melissa Wotherspoon

visit this artists online gallery.

After completing my Bachelor of Science Degree, I decided I hadn't quenched my artistic side and so I remained to finish my Bachelor of Arts. I enjoyed a variety of leadership roles during my University career, so becoming a high school teacher was a natural progression for me. I have been fortunate to be able to teach my passions: Science, Art, and Music.

My one-year-old daughter helps me see things from an entirely different perspective, allowing me to constantly reinvent my surroundings. I often find that new ideas for a piece come to me vicariously; through my daughter's exploration of the world.

I feel very fortunate to have a couple of years off with my daughter, not only to watch her develop, but to immerse myself in my interests, removed from a teaching environment. Just as Eureka moments came to Archimedes as he soaked in the bathtub, to Einstein while he lay sick in bed, and to Beethoven while he snoozed in a carriage, I find that looking after my daughter allows me to frequently enter a state of reverie and experience the same kind of inspirations. My a-ha moments are most frequent when I am putting her to sleep or taking her on walks by the lake.

My interests are equally shared with my partner Peter. We are constantly pushing and challenging each other like the technicolour billowing of fractals. Becoming bilingual in French and English is something that is very important to us, and through our travels and studies in French-speaking areas of the world, I am discovering that it is possible to experience different artistic ideas in the two different languages.

My BookCrossing screen name is Painterspoon. Please feel free to say "hello."

Poultry In Motion (Shakespeare the Bird Bard)
16x20 Oil on Stretched Canvas

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